Taking Steps to Meet In the Middle
Shuswap First Nations is the Eastern aboriginal tribe of British Columbia and Saints Faith Design was requested to develop an eagle logo for their council & membership committee. The eagle was to have 17 feathers for the representation of each treaty that the band held with other First Nation groups and the mountains in the background represent the native landscape of their rural land.
The project was originally designed for the purpose of each committee member to have an annual day journal.
The custom typography within the word mark of the logo is advanced and unique to the market-sphere. Its rustic appeal and wood crafted connotations are intended to represent kin-ling and small pieces of wood that the community would pile together for an evening of warm stories from elders -a very coveted communal event amidst their community.

Overall a Moleskine (mawl-ey-skeenay) book was chosen for the opportunity as they are currently the most cost effective and sustainable means for a daily planner.

Saints Faith Design also proposed the Logo-graph to be placed on a set of t-shirts for the children of the community, as well as a sports team.