Whoa, it has been an incredible journey for the first 2 years after my graduation. I left my school with the biggest smile in my life, but ended up running into a brick wall of what some claimed or exclaimed to be their ‘best’ effort. Problem was, I couldn’t perceive macro-socially what my intended means of passage was going to include.
Everything from unstable wage dynamics, to non-understandable foundations brought rain and regression aimed at me for an intent to ignore moderate/academic value.
At best, avid working professionals are meant to nurture the failures of team-mates and work constructively through fair share of fun/dry work as a means to uphold the value of what it means to do: ‘Dream-work’.
But there exists a type of character in our society that has the potential to abuse others in secret. Kind of like a means to isolate certain individuals through scapegoating gossip and scrupulous intent.
I’ve ran into this type of behavior at networking events also, and it really creates a hole in any area of living for a fair means of incentive while making regard for youth in particular.
Business... is not business for me, it feels more like an anti-social craze in which people attend events to exclaim themselves in, and others out for the sake of self benefit.
The foreknowledge of branding is really supposed to help, or at least it was. In which a student or graduate of its understanding would be able to justify certain people in our society and their investments, based on their social class. Saying, I deserve, or I am going to purchase a Mercedes Benz because I have enough social value beneath my families heritage to fulfill the brand.
This kind of thing happens too much for a graduate like myself to be completely happy in life. I walk around and see the people who have de-stabalized the socio-sphere of Canada’s common wealth system, expecting the rest of the cummunity to accept this lower bar entry attribution as enough for the fulfillment of their capacity to buy.
The Mercedes thing is quite common, there is a book about it and I’ve even experienced groups and peoples of non-heritage families in our country trying to say that: “This is my time,” and “I deserve this,” when in reality, these things or brands of that nature aren’t fulfilled or up-held by their stature in society.
Some of them are entirely defensive too, like they want to replace someone, or inhibit someone else for the benefit of rising up and becoming more viable. To tell you the truth the whole ‘humbling’ system from outsiders is only anguish for native graduates who worked and dedicated themselves to become better than what their high schools could provide.
I also believe that there are a large amount of addicts in society who go un-diagnosed, and hop from community to community trying to be a replacement factor for others.
This creates externality to social groups or demographics subjectively, and it seems that some lose control with the intent to only benefit themselves or their un-justifiable investments.
I mean, I’ve had several outsiders make themselves known in networking events intending bi-polar means against pure states of free consciousness, and I watched them hippocrate the value of having an assembly actually focused on excluding others.
It’s like a wall of ignorance you’ll run into in which they don’t circulate the entire attendance of the event on purpose. Kind of like ‘milking’ the group out and in doing so being irresponsible/negligent to important benefactors.
Going through these experiences at networking events is like me backtracking my entire life and wondering why I made mistakes, or why I misbehaved one day and then realize that the greatest likelihood was that other adults created black-lists for what’s termed or meant to be invested in, regardless of law or ethical stand point.
Throughout history people have paid the price from absurd corporate actions, and this is the story of what it’s like to intend your own career in the town, city, or metro you were raised in.
There are so many variables to vulnerability that youth have to go through as a means to figure out how to plan ahead against anti-social polarization, and half of them I’m just realizing now because I studied psychology, sociology and sustainability as an adult. Trouble is, sometimes I feel like I have no other to reach out to, or I actually don’t receive someone else's assertive notion to help take control of the hoard.
It’s like going to school to benefit your self is not going to be enough for you personally, and your going to have to deal with full grown, elder adult bullies that are completely intent on: misunderstanding social environments; income limitations; or lack of control issues for social development.
Every millimeter of excuse they can get away with, they intend to, as if it is a means of income for them, and they don’t stop. It is every day that I personally have to sociologically reinforce positive value for infrastructure, and the perpetuality is ridiculous.
The worst, is the term “mediation” in which, you’ve grown up lovely, and had this privilege of an experience and environment your entire life, so we’re going to limit your mental capacity, blame you for gossip, blow you off as abnormal, and intend to permeate your future success onto outsiders, letting them have your deserved means of adult based graduate success.
Regardless if you went to school, we’ve already decided that your programs a joke, and it doesn’t matter to us that you’ve graduated. The details are more important to use for your insubordination than it is your allowance.
I’ve also heard people say: “Just think of the co-lateral,” which is the hardening of an individual and the prosperous notion that one deserves for getting through an infrastructural based means of abuse, but I can’t support it. I’m way past the notion of saying it’s normal, or that we have consistent control over adults acting out of conduct.
I do realize that we can’t compete between disorderly groups with cash for cash that he/she gets, and then have oppositional retaliations or quantifications rally our success systems, but our country needs to expand our economies for certain peoples appropriatively.
I would much rather see the ignorant overtly privatized, colonial, neo-fascist districts that exist within our residencies, take leave, or trench them selves with a limited means of resource that’s going to run out in comparison to my governmentally incorporated tier of success.
Try using the term: “No red shirts,” —it’s one of my favored references for this construct— and who ever wears a red shirt, even if they only own a series of red shirts, has to deal with an anti-social suffrage because their opportunity is only justified by having another red shirt.
This happened every day, and it consistently set me back despite being referenced through academic value, and the evocation of prospect still being more intent to benefit the social system.
Earning efforts, or the definition of, will go overlooked after grad and people of huge quantities are going to exclaim fate to your middle ground value, intently causing social harm, until your sick, outnumbered, abused, and limited to your future.
The potential of your vulnerabilities being farmed into the establishment of a brick wall, filled in darkened fate to hold you back and instantiate perpetuity, is very real.
Which is ironic, because these ideas/rules came before you and were actually meant to be acknowledged, understood, and moved on from.
It’s like there exists ‘your bottleneck,’ and the entire time you are potentially applicable to any of these polarities, we’re going to try and catch/make you, and take away your moderative perspective.
The movie: Up in the Air with George Cloonie is my best reference for this.
It’s like I’m writing a blog for an ADHD diagnosis to tell you the truth, and it extends globally between suburban/urban Canadian families, to 3rd world peoples and individuals from other countries as a whole.
To put it sincerely, I am a graduated advanced degree equivalent based scholar that has been taxed-overtly, scrutinized, bullied, neglected, written off, gossiped about, rejected, lied about, and persecuted for this type of open-based means of social allowance.
I mean ya, I’ve learned to be a voice for the betterment of society, but that doesn’t mean it gets easier everyday. I still call for more sustainability experts, or sociology majors to join me in value to help end the means of selfish peoples, or selfish investments.
That tells me though, that I was ready to take on the world, but somewhere along the way the world found out for themselves to think that I went to school ‘not-to-be-a-retail-worker,’ or ‘not-to-work-for-a-franchise,’ and as such, I have to be base-lined, endured anti-publically until I admit that my assimilation is a ‘normal’ part of growing up. As if academia comes with risk factors intended for the collapse of its own discipline.
What can I do then, besides discourage to the rest of my environment (again) that we don’t need any more hard majored creatives, and that I am taxed, and left beyond measure when it comes to the next junky trying to race against my social value by working on a weekend or misapropriatively undervaluing academic social responsibility for any given activity outside the realm of graphic design alone.